Project FAQs

What is CO2 Stored?

CO2 Stored is a web enabled database, containing derived geological data, storage estimates, risk data and economics for nearly 600 potential CO2 storage units located offshore UK. These include oil and gas reservoir and saline aquifers. For more information about CO2 Stored, visit About CO2 Stored.

CO2 Stored was a major deliverable from the UK Storage Appraisal Project (UKSAP) commissioned and funded by the ETI in September 2009.

Between 2013 and 2018 BGS and The Crown Estate hosted and developed CO 2 Stored to improve the data and functionality of the website. In 2018 management, update and development of CO2 Stored was transferred to BGS who host the site.

Where is CO2 storage located in the UK?

The majority of the storage units are in three major regions, the Southern North Sea, The Central and Northern North Sea and the East Irish Sea.

What data does the CO2 Stored contain?

Each storage unit contains information giving storage estimates, risk data and economics.

For most of the data fields a minimum, most likely and maximum values are recorded. The source of the data is recorded as well as a confidence rating in the data provided.

Extract of Pore Volume data

For an example of the storage unit data contained within CO2 Stored click here.

What is storage capacity?

There are different ways of calculating storage capacity (please refer to the report paper by Gammer et al for further information); in the CO2 Stored database the following categories of storage capacity are used:

Static/theoretical Storage Capacity: Amount of CO2 that can be stored in a reservoir as a percentage of the pore space. The percentage of the porespace that can be occupied by CO2 is known as an efficiency factor or e-factor

Pressure Capacity: Amount of CO2 that can be stored in a reservoir before a limiting pressure is reached

Dynamic Storage Capacity: Storage capacity generated by numerical simulation of CO2 injection into a reservoir model.

How much storage capacity does the UK have?

The UK Storage Appraisal Project (UKSAP) estimated that the UK has a total Theoretical Storage Capacity of 78 GT with 50% confidence (P50). The majority of this capacity resides in saline aquifers.

Distribution of UK storage capacity (© Energy Technologies Insititute).

How does the amount of storage around the UK compare to other countries?

The UK has one of the largest storage potentials in Europe.

Why is the capacity all offshore?

The offshore regions were chosen as they are known to have suitable geology for CO2 Storage.

Onshore oil and gas fields are likely to be too small to store the large amounts of CO2 needed to reduce CO2 emissions.

How can I access this resource?

CO2 Stored is available online via a secure website. For more information on accessing data, visit the Subscription information page.

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